BRAVE 25.-26. Oktober

Profetisk Konference med gæstetaler Justin Long


Konference fredag og lørdag inkl. forplejning

Pris 350 kr

Betales til MobilePay 22409mrk:”BRAVE”


BRAVE 25.-26. Oktober

Profetisk Konference med gæstetaler Justin Long


Konference fredag og lørdag inkl. forplejning

Pris 350 kr

Betales til MobilePay 22409, mrk: “BRAVE”


(Taleren vil blive oversat til dansk fra scenen)



Fredag d. 25. oktober 2024

Kl. 19.00 Glory night, Justin Long


Lørdag d. 26 oktober 2024

Kl. 11.00 Justin Long

Kl. 13.00 Frokost

Kl. 15.00 Workshop – Mette & Valborg

Kl. 17.00 Aftensmad

Kl. 19.00 Justin Long


Justin Long

Justin Long was born in St. Louis, MO. USA. He encountered Jesus at the age of nine in an Assemblies of God Church in Birmingham, AL. As a result of this encounter, he surrendered his life to the Lord and shortly after was baptized.

At the age of twelve Justin encountered the Holy Spirit and began developing a friendship with Him. Shortly after being filled with the Spirit, he recognized that he had a prophetic gifting and calling. ​Since then Justin has grown in his prophetic ministry through serving in several churches around the world. 

Justin also functions in a strong preaching and teaching gift. He travels around the world preaching and teaching the Word of God in churches, conferences, training schools, and retreats. 

He has traveled and ministered in many countries including the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, South Africa, England, Ireland, Germany, Holland, France, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Norway, and Poland.
Justin often ministers in gifts of healing, words of knowledge, and miracles. 

Since the beginning of 2018, Justin moved to Germany to pursue his wife and now he makes his home in Europe. Justin, Rahel, and their son Mathé make their home in Ulm, Germany and they are a part of the Connect Church.  Justin continues to cross-pollinate among a variety of churches and apostolic streams. Part of his calling is to be a runner between networks and to pioneer prophetic ministry into new spheres and regions. / Facebook